Friday, 17 February 2012

Woman beats father-in-law for advising his son to divorce her Read more: Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives

Woman beats father-in-law for advising his son to divorce her

Written by Timothy Makokha
2012-02-06 11:00:00
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There was drama Sunday evening  Bunana village Bungoma County, when a middle aged woman hit her father-in-law on the old man’s bald head three times using a piece of firewood over allegations he wanted his son to divorce her.
The woman, identified only as Mama Kevin, caused a stir as he accosted his father-in-law an incident that attracted the attention of many who viewed it with mixed reactions; some were shocked while others were cheering and shouting.
The old man collapsed during the incident but later regained consciousness. He was given a pair of panadol tablets to relieve him the pain, although he had requested for three tablets as he explained that the pain was too much for him to bear.
“A woman beating me for the first time since I was circumcised, I cannot take this lying down, she must pack and go,” retorted the visibly shaken old man.
Villagers sympathized with the old man and declared war on the young woman saying; “Mama Kevin has been very disrespectiful to her father-in-law, she once undressed before him claiming the old man was interested in her,” said one of the neighbors.
The woman flew for her dear life after it was evident the villagers were baying for her blood for going against traditions where father-in-laws are respected.
Her action was seen as an abomination.
However, as the drama unfolded, her husband identified as Wanyonyi was away as he is said to have gone on a drinking spree – his daily routine.
However, this is not the first time she has found herself in trouble. In December last year, a similar scenario occurred forcing the clan’s chairman to set her away but her husband rented a house where they stayed for over three months.
Fearing for the life of their son, the clan members, under the authority of their chairman implored him to come back together with his wife.

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